
Letter from EMILE n°. 1

Par THOMAS BRIQUET, publié le samedi 5 octobre 2024 18:29 - Mis à jour le samedi 5 octobre 2024 20:52
Maths in English.jpg
A duck was given $9, a spider was given $36, a bee was given $27. Based off of this information, how much money would be given to a cat ? Hmmm...

Hello Young Brains (and their parents too !),

The students from the EMILE sections welcome you to a brand new series of letters with special "brainteasers" designed to test your mathematical skills and logic !

So let's begin with a riddle : "A duck was given $9, a spider was given $36, a bee was given $27. Based off of this information, how much money would be given to a cat ?" 

You can write down your answer and bring it to Mister Briquet (room 206), the solution will be published next week, so stay tuned !